
How to play

  • Guess the Wikipedia article from the categories it’s in.
  • Every day there are 10 articles to guess, from a pool of over 2,000 notable, diverse, and interesting people, places, and things.
  • Aim for the article title, including any first names — but the game accepts any word or phrase that Wikipedia redirects to the article. So dr who is accepted for Doctor Who. But swift is not accepted for Taylor Swift, because swift has many notable meanings.
  • Don't worry about capitalisation, accents, or anything in brackets like (TV series) or (singer).


  • A correct answer scores 100 + (percentage of incorrect guesses at this article). So, correctly guessing an article 80 per cent of players get wrong gets you 180 points. Scores will get more meaningful as more people play the game. I may change the formula over time.

The articles

  • Articles are drawn from lists of vital and popular topics. Each article is in at least four categories, and is the only article in its categories.
  • If an article doesn't make sense (e.g. has a giveaway category), tap and I will review it.
  • You can suggest articles for the game.
  • Improve categories and redirects by contributing to Wikipedia itself. Drop me an email and I will pick up your edits.


Further credits and licensing