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Suggest an article

Thank you for taking the time to suggest an article. I regularly review suggestions and add them to the game. More than two-thirds of the game’s articles are player suggestions.


  1. Make sure the categories give enough clues for players to work out the right answer. This is the most important factor.
  2. The article must be about something well-known. The game is already hard, so I can’t add niche topics.
  3. Actors, authors, directors and singers can be hard to narrow down from their categories. The clues must be specific enough.
  4. Books, music, artworks, and other media must have a category naming the author or artist.
  5. Video games are rarely accepted, because they are hard to work out from their categories.
  6. We have enough articles about anime, manga, Marvel, DC, Pokémon, YouTubers, and the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians for now.

The form shows the categories players will see. Categories with non-trivial words in common with the title are removed.

You can suggest up to 10 articles per day. This keeps numbers manageable and gives everyone a chance to contribute.

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Letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, underscores.